Warm Welcome


This blog entry is simply to welcome my first student and talk a bit about them. 

My current little is an absolute sweetheart. He is very good at listening but has the cutest ornery "No." He never follows through with his "No" because he is a good listener. But he lets you know when he is not happy. 

Little guy is a bit over 18 months old. He loves playing with Miss Frances and his favorite person at our house is undoubtedly Mona. Even though I'm the one who takes care of him all day while Mona is at school. 😂😁 He likes to grab Mona's hand and pull her around the house, showing her to different games and toys. Mona adores the little dude, so she very sweetly obliges. 

His favorite part of AM circle time is learning about animals. Right now we are working on Farm animals to prepare for our next field trip. Last month we were working on Zoo animals for one of our field trips. What he liked about zoo animals was doing some of the animal motions and sounds. Like the Alligator chomp or the Koala munch. 

Little dudes favorite outside toy is currently the rocking horse, however his all-time favorite outdoor activity is to just run and run and run. He also enjoys bubble blowing, with help. His favorite inside toy has to be either a ball or a puzzle. Occasionally he also likes to sit down and look through books. He loves climbing and running, he is a very active little person. 

As far as food goes, he enjoys anything crunchy. This includes crackers, cookies, dried veggies and many more. If it has a crunch when you bite it he's into it. This includes apples! 

It took about two weeks for little guy to adjust to his new routine at our house. This is pretty average. He adjusted well and is growing and learning rapidly. He is a little sponge and is repeating and absorbing everything. I'm very thankful and blessed to be working with this little guy! He's pretty awesome and his family as a whole fits so very well with our little family. From us to you, Welcome! We are so glad you're here! 

~ Miss Frankie

To anyone reading, have a wonderful weekend! We'll catch ya on the flip side! 

Oh just me falling asleep during Mona's bedtime routine 😁

Like mother like daughter... 
reorganizing all the animals on the shelf

Playing Guess Who with Uncle Thomas at his house


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